A Quick Tour

Pierre Rioux
ACElab Developer Meeting, June 2018

A presentation in three parts:

  1. Quick intro to Ruby (16 slides)
  2. Quick intro to Rails (18 slides)
  3. CBRAIN as a platform (104 slides !)

All of this, prepared for experienced programmers.


A programming language


  • Fully object-oriented
  • Single inheritance
  • Everything is an object:
    • Numbers are objects
    • Strings are objects
    • Methods are objects
    • Classes are objects
    • Operators are objects
    • Code blocks are objects
    • etc
  • Semicolons ( ; ) are optional
  • Parenthesis for method args are optional

A few Ruby statements

"abcd".size    # returns 4
3.1415.to_s    # returns "3.1415"

class Example
  def self.hello
    puts "I'm a class method"

  def hello
    puts "I'm an instance method"

Example.hello    # prints "I'm a class method"
Example.hello()  # same; parens are optional

obj = Example.new
obj.hello        # prints "I'm an instance method"

Objects are NOT data containers

Unlike in, say, JavaScript, objects do not store key/values.

  • Getters and setter methods need to be created
  • Data is stored in instance variables
  • They look like @variable_name

class Example
  def set_name(value)

  def name
    return @name  # the 'return' is optional

obj1 = Example.new
obj1.set_name("Saturn V rocket")
obj2 = Example.new()
obj2.set_name "Titanic"
puts obj2.name     # prints 'Titanic'


A special data type unique to Ruby are symbols

They look like :symbolname

They basically are used as fast replacement for constant strings.

They are NOT strings, but can be transformed into strings.

myvariable = :hello

obj = SomeClass.new
obj.some_method  "all_ok"
obj.other_method :all_ok

:rockets_are_cool.to_s   # returns "rockets_are_cool"

Hash and array literals

They pretty much look like those in Perl or Python

mixed_hash  = { "abcd" => 23, :defg => "aa", 34 => 41 }

symbol_hash = { :abcd  => 23, :defg => "aa" }

symbol_hash = { abcd:     23, defg:    "aa" } # alternative syntax when keys are all symbols

mixed_array = [ 'abcd', 99, Object.new, { "a" => 1 }, :yoshi ]  # array of 5 elements
When a hash is the last argument of a method call,
the { and } are optional

obj.dostuff(23, "hello", { :name => "pierre", :age => 76 })

obj.dostuff(23, "hello",   :name => "pierre", :age => 76  ) # 3 arguments, not 4

obj.dostuff 23, "hello", name: "pierre", age: 76

Method names with ? or !

These two characters can appear only as
the last character in a method name.

Their use is often esthetic.

class Something
  def is_alive?
    blah blah

  def validate!(mode = :relax)  # argument has default value
    blah blah


a_something.validate!          # inside, mode is :relax
a_something.validate! :strict  # now it's :strict

x.sub("lo","p")  # returns "help" and doesn't change x
x.sub!("lo","p") # returns "help" and change x to "help"

Assignment methods with =

For a more elegant syntax, methods can be invoked as assignment.

# Method with one argument, invoked in the traditional way

def standard(value)
  do_something_with value


# Method with one argument, invoked as an assignment

def assignment=(value)  # note the '=' is part of the method name!
  do_something_with value

obj.assignment = "hello"  # the method is "assignment="; spaces are allowed within!

Most operators are methods

So they can be overriden for your classes

class Something

  def name=(arg)

  def +(rightside)
    [ @name , rightside.name ]


v1 = Something.new; v1.name = "Marilyn"
v2 = Something.new; v2.name = "Monroe"
v1 + v2         # returns [ "Marylin", "Monroe" ]
v1 + a_user     # returns [ "Marylin", "Robert" ] assuming a_user has a name() method.

Many operators can be redefined that way:
+, -, *, |, &, +=, -=, <<, >>, >>=, etc

Code blocks for methods

  • All methods can take an optional code block as a final argument
  • It is one of the essential distinguishing feature of Ruby
  • Methods are free to ignore the block, or call it multiple times
  • Blocks are written with the do ... end or { ... } syntax

obj.mymethod(arg1,arg2) do

obj.mymethod(arg1,arg2) {  # same as do .. end

244.to_s(16) do
  puts "This is never executed"
end  # returns the string "f4" which is 244 in hexadecimal

244.to_s(16) { a = 2 + 3 ; system.reboot }  # returns "f4" again

Arguments to blocks

Blocks can be passed arguments with the |var1,var2...| syntax

# Prints three lines:
#  Z
#  4
#  +
["Z", "4", "+"].each { |c| puts c } # each() is an Array method for iterating

# Prints three lines:
#  Z0
#  41
#  +2
["Z", "4", "+"].each_with_index do |c,i|
   puts(c + i.to_s)

Blocks are invoked with yield

class Something
  def invoke_and_save
    @save = yield

  def invoke_with_pi

  def vowels
    yield('a') ; yield('e') ; yield('i') ; yield('o') ; yield('u')

obj.invoke_and_save { "Hello " + 3.to_s }  # internally, @save is now "Hello 3"
obj.invoke_with_pi { |value| puts "I got " + value.to_s } # prints "I got 3.14"
pi_plus_2 = obj.invoke_with_pi { |value| value + 2 }      # stores  5.14 in pi_plus_2
obj.vowels { |v| puts v }  # block is executed five times

Methods can save the block for later use

class Something
  def saveblock(&block)  # special syntax to associate an argument to the block
    @call_this_later = block

  def invoke_saved_block(argument)

obj = Something.new
obj.saveblock { |x| puts "The string has " + x.size + " characters" }
obj.invoke_saved_block "hello"  # prints "The string has 5 characters"
obj.saveblock { |x| x.reverse }
obj.invoke_saved_block "hello"  # returns (without printing it) "olleh"

Intercepting missing methods

class Something
  def method_missing(name,*args) # * is the splat operator for varargs
    puts "Eh bud, I got method #{name} but it doesn't exist."

obj.oh_no!('sorry man')  # prints "Eh bud, I got method oh_no! but it does't exist."

This is often used to provide dynamic capabilities to classes.

Methods can be created the first time they are missing, and then the following times the method will exist and will respond quickly.

# Rails example:
User.find_by_login('prioux')  # there is no such method, but it's created right away
User.find_by_login('mmonroe') # now the method does exist.

Review of optional syntax

A full ruby statement:

          val = obj.method(arg1,arg2) { code block }
If the code block is optional:

          val = obj.method(arg1,arg2)
If the arguments are optional:

val = obj.method()
val = obj.method     # Important: this still invokes the method!
If obj happens to be self:

          val = method
If we don't care about the returned value:


Domain Specific Languages

Ruby's syntactic flexibility makes it ideal for elegant DSLs.

# This is Ruby code:
This is ruby code

# It's executed as:

# A DSL I made up to describe a SQL table.
# It is Ruby code that assumes the methods
# "table", "column", "type" etc have been defined elsewhere.
table "users" do
  column :id
  column :login do
    type :string
    length 256
  has_many do
    other_table "files"
    remote_key :user_id


A web framework


  • A framework for creating web applications
  • Follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture
  • Database abstraction: ActiveRecord
  • Provides helpers for routing, migrations, views
  • Multi-layer middleware with the web server at the top
  • Normally (and originally) developed in Ruby (thus, "RoR")
  • Immense autoconfiguration and meta-programming core
  • "Convention over configuration"



Models: let's start with a DB

mysql> select * from authors;
| id | first_name | last_name |
|  1 | Pierre     | Rioux     |
|  2 | Jane       | Austen    |
|  3 | Samir      | Das       |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from books;
| id | title                          | author_id | published_at |
|  1 | How to cheat at origami        |         1 | 2018-01-03   |
|  2 | Pride And Potatoes             |         2 | 1798-04-21   |
|  3 | Some sunglasses for Kiki       |         3 | 1995-05-10   |
|  4 | Kiki vs the sunglasses tyrants |         3 | 2005-11-21   |
|  5 | The sunglasses of God          |         3 | 2015-12-04   |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Model conventions

  • Primary key is id
  • Table name is pluralized
  • Attributes (columns) are lowercase simple identifiers
  • Model names will be singular of table name (e.g. Author, Book)
  • Relation use othermodel_id (e.g. author_id)

Ruby classes for the models


class Author < ApplicationRecord


class Book < ApplicationRecord


These files are shown complete!

Model methods

# Creating new records
n = Book.new( :title => 'My Stupid Cat', :author_id => 23 )

# Finder mehods
a = Author.find(2)    # Jane Austen
b = Book.find(4)      # "Kiki vs the sunglasses tyrants"

# Attribute methods
first_name = a.first_name       # Get an attribute
b.title    = 'Of mice and Zen'  # Set an attribute

# Saving or destroying an object
n.save     # Writes new row in database
n.destroy  # Removes row

# Misc
b.changed?      # True if modified in memory
n.new_record?   # Returns true until saved


# Create querying objects with WHERE clauses
r1 = Author.where(:last_name => 'Das')  # does NOT query yet
r2 = r1.where(:first_name => 'Beyoncé')

# SELECT `authors`.* FROM `authors` WHERE `authors`.`last_name` = 'Das'
a_list = r1.to_a  # Array of Author objects

# SELECT  `authors`.* FROM `authors`
#   WHERE `authors`.`last_name` = 'Das'
#   ORDER BY `authors`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1
a1 = r1.first

# SELECT  `authors`.* FROM `authors`
#   WHERE `authors`.`last_name` = 'Das'
#     AND `authors`.`first_name` = 'Beyoncé'
#   ORDER BY `authors`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
a2 = r2.last  # returns nil in this case

# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `authors` WHERE `authors`.`last_name` = 'Das'
das_count = r1.count



class Author < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :books

class Book < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :author

Relation methods

a=Author.where(:last_name => 'Das').first
#  Author Load (0.9ms)  SELECT  `authors`.* FROM `authors` WHERE
#     `authors`.`last_name` = 'Das' ORDER BY `authors`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1
#  Book Load (0.4ms)  SELECT `books`.* FROM `books` WHERE `books`.`author_id` = 3
' => [
   #<Book id: 3, title: "Some sunglasses for Kiki", author_id: 3 ... >,
   #<Book id: 4, title: "Kiki vs the sunglasses tyrants", author_id: 3 ... >,
   #<Book id: 5, title: "The sunglasses of God", author_id: 3 ... >
  ] '
#  Book Load (1.2ms)  SELECT  `books`.* FROM `books` ORDER BY `books`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
#  Author Load (0.4ms)  SELECT  `authors`.* FROM `authors` WHERE `authors`.`id` = 3 LIMIT 1
' => #<Author id: 3, first_name: "Samir", last_name: "Das"> '

Validations and callbacks

From Agile Web Development with Rails 4, S. Ruby, D. Thomas, D. H. Hansson, 2014

Validations and callbacks


class Book < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :author
  validate_presence_of :published_at

  validates :last_name_has_uppercase?

  after_create :new_book_added

  def last_name_has_uppercase?
    self.last_name =~ /^[A-Z]/

  def new_book_added
    # do something with self only when new book created

Single Table Inheritance


class Book < ApplicationRecord

class Novel < Book

class Biography < Book
mysql> select * from books;
| id | type      | title                          | author_id |
|  1 | Book      | How to cheat at origami        |         1 |
|  2 | Biography | Pride And Potatoes             |         2 |
|  3 | Novel     | Some sunglasses for Kiki       |         3 |
|  4 | Novel     | Kiki vs the sunglasses tyrants |         3 |
|  5 | Novel     | The sunglasses of God          |         3 |


  • Small Ruby programs encode changes
  • No need to issue SQL statements
  • The DB is aware of its migration version number
  • Migrations can be applied and rolled back
  • Migrations can change data, not just schema
  • This is part of a framework for initializing and seeding the DB too

class AddSenderIdToMessage < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    add_column :messages, :sender_id, :integer

  def self.down
    remove_column :messages, :sender_id




class BooksController < ApplicationController
  def index             # GET /books

  def show              # GET /books/2
    id = params[:id]

  def create            # POST /books

  def destroy           # DELETE /book/id
    id = params[:id]

  def update            # PUT /book/id
    id = params[:id]


Rails.application.routes.draw do

  # Routes built manually
  match "/books"     => "books#index"
  match "/books/:id" => "books#show"  # stores id in params[:id]
  match "/books"     => "books#create", :via => :post
  # etc

  # This creates about 7 standard CRUD routes for books
  resources :books


Instance variables for views

Within a controller method (or 'action'),
instance variables will be available in the view code.

class BooksController < ApplicationController
  def show              # GET /books/2

    # Basic, common business logic
    id = params[:id]
    @book = Book.find(id) # This can be used in the view code.

    # Rendering control, redirections, etc etc
    render :action => :show  # 'app/views/show.*' based on HTTP request




<head> </head> <!-- Not normally in view code! -->
Book title: <%= @book.title %>
Book author: <%= @book.author.first_name %> <%= @book.author.last_name %>

Note: normally, view files render partial content inside other common view templates.

View files for model User in CBRAIN

> ls -l users
-rw-r--r--  1 prioux  staff  5755 Dec 12  2017 _users_table.html.erb
-rw-r--r--  1 prioux  staff  1949 Feb 27  2017 change_password.html.erb
-rw-r--r--  1 prioux  staff   886 May 13  2015 index.html.erb
-rw-r--r--  1 prioux  staff   928 May 13  2015 index.js.erb
-rw-r--r--  1 prioux  staff  3709 Jan 11 12:09 new.html.erb
-rw-r--r--  1 prioux  staff  1371 Feb 27  2017 request_password.html.erb
-rw-r--r--  1 prioux  staff  9499 Jun 20 10:11 show.html.erb


A web-based computing platform with support for supercomputing processing and data management abstraction and oh my god I am out of room for all the buzzwords

Initial goals (2008)

Reza Adalat, Marc-Étienne Rousseau, Pierre Rioux, Tarek Sherif
  • Use a web interface...
  • ... to manage data...
  • ... and process them with neuroscience tools

Technologies used

web interfaceRuby On Rails
dataUserfile and DataProvider models
processingCbrainTask model
neuroscience toolsTool and ToolConfig models

Two Rails apps!

The overall architecture has two Rails apps:

  • BrainPortal: provides the graphical web interface
  • Bourreau: interacts with a supercomputer to process stuff
  • There can be several Bourreaux, but a single BrainPortal
  • All connect to the same Rails database

The Great Anti-Neuro Of 2014

That year, everything that was specific to neuroscience
was removed from the CBRAIN codebase.

All the neuroscience code was partitioned into
distinct, separate GIT repos.

CBRAIN was extended such that when these other GIT repos are
extracted within a specific cbrain_plugins subdirectory,
they integrate automatically.

This became CBRAIN's plugins support, and so
CBRAIN is now a generic processing platform.

Two simple models


Just the information about a user: name, email etc.


Basically, a group is a set of users.

  • Groups are shown in the interface as Projects
  • Each user initially gets a private group with only them in it
  • Users can create their own groups (projects)
  • Users can invite other users to join their groups (collaboration)
  • Groups are assigned to all resources
  • System admins can create projects to limit access to resources


User data

Managing files

Some design decisions for files:

  • No paths in database
  • Just a basename (e.g. abc.txt)
  • The Rails top model is named Userfile
  • It is an abstract class
  • There are many types implemented by subclasses
  • So we use Rails Single Table Inheritance

# Table: userfiles
| id | type            | name                           |
| 12 | SingleFile      | nihpd3.tar.gz                  |
| 34 | TextFile        | abc.txt                        |
| 55 | FileCollection  | dicom_files                    |
| 98 | DicomCollection | more_dicoms                    |

SQL table (excerpt)

Userfile subclasses

File types can only be reassigned within the same subbranch
(SingleFile, FileCollection)


So where ARE those files?

  • Each file is associated with a single DataProvider
  • The provider's role is to know where the file's content is stored
  • The provider has a generic API for transfering content in/out
  • A provider is NOT a posix file API
  • The provider handles remote connections as needed
  • A CBRAIN system can have many DataProviders

DataProvider types

Provider types differ in:

  • How they structure their filesystem
  • How they connect to a remote host (if any)
  • What types of files they support
  • Whether or not two users can each have a file with the same name on it
  • Whether or not a file's owner can be re-assigned

Standard vs Browsable

Standard DataProviders are for storage
of files entirely managed by CBRAIN itself:

  • The file structure can be non-obvious
  • The content itself might not be physical files
  • CBRAIN doesn't expect any changes that it didn't do itself

Browsable DataProviders are for more convenient data-exchange:

  • The files are in normal directories
  • The structure is usually flat
  • External processes can add or remove files
  • When new files are added, they can be registered (i.e. a DB entry is added)

Userfiles and their DPs

# Table: userfiles
| id | type            | name                           | data_provider_id  |
| 12 | SingleFile      | nihpd3.tar.gz                  | 2                 |
| 34 | TextFile        | abc.txt                        | 3                 |
| 55 | FileCollection  | dicom_files                    | 3                 |
| 98 | DicomCollection | more_dicoms                    | 3                 |

# Table: data_providers
| id | type                            | name           | config_stuff_cols |
| 2  | EnCbrainSmartDataProvider       | MainStore      | paths, hosts,     |
| 3  | IncomingVaultSmartDataProvider  | SFTP-1         | credentials etc   |

Two SQL tables (excerpt)

File manager example


  • Each Rails application has a data cache
  • A programmer always work with the content in that cache
  • New files:
    • create database entry
    • create data in cache (mkdir, open/write etc)
    • sync_to_provider()
  • Existing files:
    • find database entry
    • sync_to_cache()
    • use data in cache (or modify it)
    • sync_to_provider() (if modified)

So many caches!

Coding with DPs

Note: for convenience, all DataProvider API methods are provided directly on Userfile

The SyncStatus framework

All data transfer operations are tracked using the SyncStatus model.

At any one time:

  • Many Rails app can download the same file's content
  • Only one Rails app can upload the file's content


  • Timestamps track how long ago synchronization happened
  • Caches have expiry dates
  • API calls allow a programmer to mark cache as new/obsolete etc
  • The SyncStatus API itself is low-level and rarely invoked directly
  • Users can manually clean the caches (e.g. for sensitive data)


Viewing Data In Browser

Userfile Viewers

Viewer web content area

Top region is database content, bottom region is file type, plugin content

CbrainFileList as TextFile

CbrainFileList as CsvFile

CbrainFileList as itself

Userfile Viewer Code

# CBRAIN Ruby model for MP3 audio files.
class Mp3AudioFile < AudioFile # AudioFile is a SingleFile

  has_viewer :name => 'MP3 Audio', :partial => :html5_mp3_audio, :if => :is_locally_synced?

  def self.pretty_type
    "MP3 Audio File"

<audio controls="controls" preload="none">
  <source src="<%= content_userfile_path(@userfile) %>" type="audio/mp3" />
  MP3 audio not supported in this browser.


Processing files

How supercomputers work

  • They expect a script to be submitted
  • Each supercomputer has its own submission system
  • Each supercomputer has its own filesystem layout
  • You have to transfer your data in and out

CBRAIN's goal for users

  • No need to learn how the supercomputer works
  • Just select files in CBRAIN, select a tool, a click go!
  • This can result in thousands of tasks quickly submitted

The CbrainTask model

# Table: cbrain_tasks
| id | type                            | bourreau_id    | user_id | params     |
| 38 | Civet                           | 3              | 5       | (yaml)     |
| 79 | Minc2Niftii                     | 4              | 3       | (yaml)     |
| 88 | ReconAll                        | 4              | 3       | (yaml)     |

SQL table (excerpt)

Task programmer's job

A basic CbrainTask requires a programmer to implement these files:

File path in plugin Role
.../portal/taskname.rb Portal-side code
.../views/_task_params.html.erb Input form for task params
.../views/_show_params.html.erb View code for task info
.../bourreau/taskname.rb Bourreau-side code

Note: these are the core files only, there are many more

Portal-side code

Its role:

  • Validate the initial files selected by user
  • Validate the parameters supplied by the form
  • Return one (or several) CbrainTask objects, pre-filled
  • The CbrainTask objects do not even have to all be of the same class as the Ruby Class!

Minimal Portal code

class CbrainTask::Stupid < PortalTask

  def before_form # verify stuff before rendering the form
    ids = params[:interface_userfile_ids]  # array of ids
    raise "Need at least one file selected" if ids.size == 0
    "" # Means all is OK

  def after_form # verify or do stuff after form submitted
    "" # I could do something here too

  def final_task_list # framework expects an array of task objects to be saved
    [ self ] # This is actually the default behavior in PortalTask

Note: many features not shown: default params values, pretty param names, etc, etc

Parameter forms

Sample params form

This task has <%= (params[:interface_userfile_ids] || []).size %> files in its input list.
Name for planet: <%= form.params_text_field :name_of_planet %><br>
Destroy it?      <%= form.params_check_box  :destroy_planet %><br>

Params form appearance

Generated HTML form code

This task has 2 files in its input list.
Name for planet: <input name="cbrain_task[params][name_of_planet]"
Destroy it?      <input name="cbrain_task[params][destroy_planet]"
                 <input name="cbrain_task[params][destroy_planet]"

Note: manually reformatted for easier inspection

CbrainTask object content

class TasksController < ApplicationController

  # Rails will send all the HTML form inputs all
  # structured nicely, e.g.
  #   params = { :cbrain_tasks => { :description => 'a test', # a normal attribute
  #                                 :params => { :planet_name => 'Mars'... },
  #                                 # other attribute here
  #                               } }
  def create # POST /tasks
    post_params = params[:cbrain_tasks] # Provided by Rails
    @task = CbrainTask.new(post_params) # Store everything in a new object

    #  @task.description          == 'a test'
    #  @task.params[:planet_name] == 'Mars' etc

    # Invoke task callback methods here for @task
    # Create entries in DB with @task, etc

The (almost) full diagram

Note: Click image to open it in a new tab

Bourreau-side code

Its role while setting up:

  • Synchronize the input files locally
  • Build and return a bash script

Its role after a job has completed:

  • Verify that the job seems to have completed properly
  • Take the result files, create new Userfiles, and upload to the DP

Skeleton Bourreau code

class CbrainTask::Stupid < ClusterTask

  def setup
    # Set up all that's needed to run the process

  def cluster_commands
    # Return a bash script

  def save_results
    # Verify that processing is OK;
    # if so, save the results as new CBRAIN files


Execution context?

The bourreau-side code can rely on many things
set up by the CBRAIN framework:

  • A work directory for the task (cwd)
  • Prerequisites are fulfilled (more on that later)
  • $PATH and bash modules etc... are all set up
  • The local DataProvider cache is available for file input/output

The task programmer does not have to set any of these things up.

Bourreau: Setup

def setup
  my_params = self.params # a hash with arbitrary content, usually the scientific parameters

  # Extract info about our file (we only use the first in this demo code)
  file_id  = params[:interface_userfile_ids].first # first of an array of IDs
  f        = Userfile.find(file_id)

  # We need to make sure our input data is ready locally
  # I could also use f.cache_full_path here to refer to sync'ed content

  true # all good!
Excerpt: cbrain_plugins/cbrain-plugins-base/cbrain_task/stupid/bourreau/stupid.rb

Bourreau: Commands

def cluster_commands
  my_params = self.params

  # Extract info about what to do
  pname    = params[:planet_name]
  killit   = params[:destroy_planet] == '1'
  file_id  = params[:interface_userfile_ids].first # first of an array of IDs
  fpath    = Userfile.find(file_id).cache_full_path

  # Build the script or command to run on the supercomputer
  command   = "planet_manager -p #{pname} -f #{fpath}" # not shown: helpers to avoid injection
  command  += " -k YES" if killit
  return command
Excerpt: cbrain_plugins/cbrain-plugins-base/cbrain_task/stupid/bourreau/stupid.rb

This builds the simple bash script

planet_manager -p pluto -f /path/to/userfile/cache
or, if the checkbox destroy_planet was set,
planet_manager -p pluto -f /path/to/userfile/cache -k YES

Bourreau: Final Checks

def save_results
  # Check that the task worked fine
  return false unless File.exists? "report.txt"

  new_cb_file = Textfile.new(:name => "PlanetReport", more_other_args_here)
  # Next line: copies the content to the cache, then autosync to DataProvider
Excerpt: cbrain_plugins/cbrain-plugins-base/cbrain_task/stupid/bourreau/stupid.rb

Task Status States

  • Tasks have states, a string
  • States are assigned and modified by CBRAIN
  • Some changes are made by the portal, some by the Bourreau
  • Some changes are active, other passive (observation on supercomputer)

Task State Diagram

In red: states where the Ruby code of previous slides is run.

Note: Full explanations on the CBRAIN GitHub Wiki


"Simple Cluster Interface in Ruby"

  • It's a set of Ruby classes and subclasses
  • Written from scratch when DRMAA failed miserably
  • It knows how to interact with different supercomputers:

    1. Submit bash scripts
    2. Query supercomputer status
    3. Query job status
    4. Cancel, hold, suspend jobs etc

  • Supports: PBS/Torque, MOAB, SLURM, SGE, SharcNet, Amazon EC2, LSF, Cobalt, and plain Unix jobs

Task Dependencies

Tasks are generally independent of each other.

But there is an API to control their progression
based on the states of other tasks.

There are two stop points in the state diagram:

  • At the state Setting Up
  • At the state Post Processing

A task can be prevented from entering these states until an arbitrary number of other tasks are in an arbitrary set of other states.

A task can even depend on another task being in a Failed state!

Task Dependencies API

# Example of setting up the dependencies above
task2a    .add_prerequisites_for_setup(           task1,     "Queued"    )
task2b    .add_prerequisites_for_setup(           task1,     "Queued"    )
finaltask .add_prerequisites_for_post_processing( task2a,    "Completed" )
finaltask .add_prerequisites_for_post_processing( task2b,    "Completed" )
errortask .add_prerequisites_for_setup(           finaltask, "Failed"    )

Sharing Work Directories

By default each task gets its own work directory.

However, any group task or group of tasks can be configured with an option to share the work directory of another task.

This, of course, can only work if all the tasks
are launched on the same supercomputer.

# Example of making sure task1, task2a and task2b all
# share the same work directory.
task2a.share_workdir_with( task1 )
task2b.share_workdir_with( task1 )

Task Restartability

Tasks that have succesfully Completed can be restarted.

  • The attribute run_number is increased (it starts at 1)
  • The restart can be triggered at three states in the task's lifecycle:

    1. At the setup stage
    2. At submission to the supercomputer
    3. At the post processing stage

Task Error Recovery

Supercomputers, network connections, file servers and
random number generators are all unreliable!

So tasks can fail at different stages for different reasons:

  • System reasons (network, files, etc)
  • Pipeline dependencies (other tasks states)
  • Task-specific (bad parameters, bad input files etc)

The CBRAIN interface allow users to retry tasks that have failed.

About Restart and Recover

For these two features, a task programmer
should provide some handler methods

class CbrainTask::Something < ClusterTask
  # Restartability Methods
  def restart_at_setup
  def restart_at_cluster
  def restart_at_post_processing
  # Error Recoverability Methods
  def recover_from_setup_failure
  def recover_from_cluster_failure
  def recover_from_post_processing_failure

However, by following CBRAIN programming guidelines, a programmer can also avoid having to write these methods by making the other standard API methods restartable and recoverable naturally.

Example: restarting at setup

Standard Way

class CbrainTask::Something < ClusterTask

  def setup
    # symlink() raise an exception
    # if target exists!
    File.symlink cache_data, "my_input"

  def restart_at_setup
    File.rm "my_input"


Easy Way

class CbrainTask::Something < ClusterTask

  include RestartableTask # adds trivial restart_at_setup()

  def setup
    # safe_symlink() is a CBRAIN helper method
    safe_symlink cache_data, "my_input"


Task States: Restarting

In red: states where the Ruby code in handlers is run.

Task States: Recovering

In red: states where the Ruby code in handlers is run.

Task Archiving, Relocation

If a programmer strictly respects the
CBRAIN task programming guidelines:

  • All files in the workdir will use relocatable symlinks
  • No hardcoded full paths are present in the scripts

In that case, a task's work directory can be archived (turned into a .tar.gz), moved about, and even restarted on another supercomputer!


When a task is launched, it is not only associated
to a supercomputer, but also to a set of
ToolConfig objects in the database.

ToolConfigs are created by the administrator
using the interface. They provide configuration information
for a version of a scientific tool on a specific supercomputer.

  • Environment variables (PATHs, etc)
  • Supercomputer parameters (nodes, cores, queue names)
  • Arbitrary bash prologues (source init.sh, etc)

This also means that the CBRAIN system itself, when deployed, is free of all the requirements of the tools it supports.

Up to three ToolConfigs

A task's configuration can be affected by up
to 3 (three, trois, drei, tres) ToolConfigs.

  • A ToolConfig for any tasks types on the current supercomputer
  • A ToolConfig the current task type on any supercomputers
  • A ToolConfig the current task type on the current supercomputers

The first two are optional, the last one is mandatory.
They are applied in this order.

The user usually selects the third one, and the first two
are applied automatically as necessary.

This gives the opportunity for the system administrator
to provide default configurations for task types, for supercomputers,
or more specifically for a task on a supercomputer.

Automatic Parallelization

  • When a set of tasks is submitted, the admin can configure a ToolConfig attribute for parallelizing them.
  • CBRAIN will launch the tasks normally, but after they are set up they will not be submitted.
  • Instead, CBRAIN will create, configure and launch one (or several) Parallelizer tasks.
  • Each Parallelizer will execute the scientific tasks of 2, 3, 5, 10 etc of the original tasks.
  • A Parallelizer is generic and doesn't need to know anything about the tasks it parallelize.
  • Once a Parallelizer is finished, the original tasks just proceed to their post processing normally.


A framework for deploying tools

A 2015 project by Tristan Glatard (now a PI at Concordia) while he worked with us here at CBRAIN.
The CBRAIN integration was written by Rémi Bernard and Tristan Aumentado-Armstrong.

  • All properties of a tool are described in a single JSON file
  • CBRAIN reads that and builds everything:
    1. User interface (parameter form, help docs)
    2. Parameter validation code
    3. Bourreau-side code
  • Boutiques comes with an interactive command-line tool to build such JSON descriptors
  • Site: https://boutiques.github.io/

Boutiques Example

    "tool-version": "5.0.0",
    "name": "fsl_anat",
    "command-line": "fsl_anat [INPUT_FILE] [INPUT_DIR] [OUTPUT_DIR] [CLOBBER_FLAG] [WEAKBIAS_FLAG]
                     [IMAGE_TYPE] [BET_F_PARAM]",
    "inputs": [
            "command-line-flag": "-i",
            "description": "Input image file (for single-image use), such as .nii.gz. Either this or an input
                            dir (-d) must be specified, but not both.",
            "value-key": "[INPUT_FILE]",
            "type": "File",
            "list": false,
            "optional": true,
            "id": "infile",
            "name": "Input file"
            "command-line-flag": "-d",
            "description": "Existing input directory (.anat extension) where this script will be run in place.
                            Either this or an input file (-i) must be specified, but not both.",
            "value-key": "[INPUT_DIR]",
            "type": "File",
            "list": false,
(rest not shown...)

Boutiques Limitations

Although Boutiques makes integrating a new tools easier, it comes with limitations compared to CBRAIN's built-in capabilities:

  • No support for mixed-types task sets
  • No support for shared work directories
  • Minimal support for restartability
  • Minimal support for recoverability
  • No support for CBRAIN 'refresh' in task forms
  • No support for CBRAIN output file name generators
  • No support for prerequisites and task dependencies


Other CBRAIN Features


All CBRAIN Ruby classes are aware of their own GIT revision number!

class SomeSuperSomething

  # All CBRAIN ruby code has a line like this:
  Revision_info = CbrainFileRevision[ __FILE__ ] # ignore the coloring error


# Create a new object
something = SomeSuperSomething.new

# Query the information from GIT
something.revision_info.basename      # returns "some_super_something.rb"
something.revision_info.author        # returns "Pierre Rioux"
something.revision_info.short_commit  # returns "8f112ca9"
something.revision_info.date          # returns "2018-08-01"
something.revision_info.time          # returns "19:45:33 -0500"


We can add meta data to ANY ActiveRecord object in the DB.

user = User.where(:login => 'prioux').first
user.meta            # returns a handler for metadata of obj
user.meta[:age] = 76 # setter: sets value associated with :age
user.meta[:age]      # getter: returns value associated with :age

task = CbrainTask.first
task.meta[:xyz] = { :hello => 2, "goodbye" => "why?" } # save arbitrary data
This is implemented in a single table that does NOT use any proper relational database joining, but is transparent using the Ruby API:
mysql> select * from meta_data_store;
| id | ar_id | ar_table_name | key   | value                             |
| 47 |     3 | users         | "age" | "--- 76\n...\n"                   |
| 92 |  2344 | cbrain_tasks  | "xyz" | "---\n:hello: 2\ngoodbye: why?\n" |


We can log information to ANY ActiveRecord object in the DB.

user = User.where(:login => 'prioux').first
user.addlog("User complained about filesystem")

task = CbrainTask.first
task.addlog("Tried to transfer files, failed.")
Exactly as for the meta data store, the logs are all saved in a single table the contains the table names along with the record ID.

Each log entry is timestamped and formatted.
E.g for the user above:

[2018-02-19 16:01:07 EST] NormalUser revision 4e779042 Pierre Rioux 2015-09-28
[2018-02-19 16:01:07 EST] create() UsersController rev. 46f29825 Account created by 'admin'
[2018-08-01 19:28:38 EDT] User complained about filesystem
The logging API has a rich set of methods for automatically recording the revision info of classes and code.

CBRAIN: Not described

Many other CBRAIN features were not covered in this presentation.

  • CbrainFormBuilder: helps programmers make forms for tasks
  • Task subtasking system (Glatard, Quirion)
  • Secure communication tunnels (SSH agents with locks etc)
  • Support for Singularity and Docker containers in tasks
  • Per-resource user licenses
  • Rich console commands extensions for admin and devs
  • Internal invitation system for collaborations
  • Workers and sub-workers for task management
  • Userfiles can be organized in trees (parents and childs)
  • Tasks can be managed as batches
  • And the neat Network Operation Center

The End

Thank you

The CBRAIN features described here were created by:
Tarek Sherif
Natacha Beck
Rémi Bernard
Tristan Aumentado-Armstrong
Tristan Glatard
Pierre Rioux

Project management:
Marc-Étienne Rousseau
Shawn Brown