Pierre Rioux

I'm a computer scientist and senior developer.

I work in life sciences, on supercomputers.

I'm also a Linux geek, a sysadmin, and a published scientist.

My projects can be browsed on github.com/prioux.

That being said, hit the escape or space keys to view a few slides with a short description for some of them.


Created over the years for training other programmers:
Name Type Description
ipc reveal Interprocess communications
cbrain reveal Dev intro to CBRAIN
cbrain-training reveal Slides for a developer workshop
regex reveal Regular expressions
rsync reveal The rsync utility
git PDF Intro to GIT
js-diagrams PDF JavaScript intro
filesystems PDF Intro to filesystems
networking PDF Intro to computer networks

Other projects

You can find the full list on GitHub.
Name Type Description
withoverlay utility Wrapper for Singularity overlays
csdiff utility Colorized sdiff
pr-git-utils utilities Several GIT command-line utils